12 Days of UXmas: Day 10—Prototyping

On the tenth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... some prototyping funtimes

On the tenth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... some prototyping funtimes

“A prototype says more than a thousand meetings,” or so the saying should go. Today, we’re going to take our sketches from yesterday and turn them into a prototype to test with users tomorrow.

Depending on the product, a prototype could be made using (for example) paper, Lego, or a prototyping app. A prototype can be low fidelity (quicker to create) or high fidelity (more detailed), so long as it allows people to understand our idea, use it, and give us feedback. In general, it’s good to have at least one low fidelity and one high fidelity prototyping tool in our skillset.

Once we move on to user testing, we can use the prototype to observe and assess people’s interactions with the product. 

5 minute challenge:  Create a “quick and dirty” prototype of the most important user flow in your product. If you’re designing an app or website, you could do this by drawing 2 or 3 screens at actual size on separate pieces of paper.

30 minute challenge:  Read this article over at UX Magazine: “What a Prototype Is (and is Not)”. Next, create a prototype of your product. If you’re designing an app or website, you could import your sketches into a prototyping app like Marvel or Popapp, adding interactions and links between screens.

More UXmas challenges

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