12 Days of UXmas: Day 9—Sketching

On the ninth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... a sprinkling of inspiration

On the ninth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... a sprinkling of inspiration

After the fun of brainstorming and mapping out user flows, grab your favorite festive drink and let’s sketch! While sketching, consider what design patterns might work well for your product.

5 minute challenge: Briefly review yesterday’s ideas, and produce a quick sketch of the look and feel of your product. You could do this on paper, or in an app like Sketch or Illustrator.

30 minute challenge:  Review yesterday’s brainstorm, and try to identify any particularly strong or recurring ideas. How can you bring these ideas together in your product to help the user reach their goals? Once you’ve given that some thought, sketch out a vision of your product. You could do this on paper, in an app like Sketch or Illustrator. The main thing is to sketch in a format you’re comfortable with, allowing you to make a prototype in tomorrow’s challenge that will communicate your product vision to others.

More UXmas challenges

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