12 Days of UXmas: Day 5—Map Out Scenarios

On the fifth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... five gold user scenarios

On the fifth day of UXmas, Designlab sent to me... five gold user scenarios

Day 5 – stick with us! We’re nearly halfway through the UX design process. Yesterday, we created some user personas. Today, let’s work on some “scenarios”: narratives about our personas and how they do things.

The purpose of a scenario is to help the designer understand how users of their product behave. We want to get to know the environment in which they live and work, and we need to learn about the routine tasks they perform, what order they do them in, how long they take to complete, and how they feel about them.

Scenarios can be presented as a storyboard, or as a narrative of “a day in the life” of a user. Drawing on our user research, we can supplement and contextualise this narrative with what we already know about the user’s bigger goals, fears, and frustrations.

5 minute challenge: Take your persona from yesterday and compose a bullet point outline of a day in their life, noting when, where, and how they will use your product.

30 minute challenge: Take 1 or 2 of your personas from yesterday and sketch a storyboard (complete with doodles), adding notes to explain some of the detail of how they will interact with your product.

More UXmas challenges

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