Once a month, we send out design highlights from around the web. This time, we’ve got an article about Myers-Briggs personality types in design, the story of Dropbox brand illustration, and a thought-provoking piece about behavioral manipulation and Internet addiction.
Following that, there are 3 awesome articles from the Designlab community, and some more posts from the Designlab blog for you to catch up on. Enjoy!
Myers Briggs and Design Style: The Kind of Work That Makes You Happy
"Design work is imperative at many organizations and the type of design work available is vast. Understanding your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help you to figure out not only what type of design work might be best for your personality and preferences, but the type of organization that meshes best with your design style. These two components can lead you to a happier career." (Sheena Lyonnais, Adobe)
Illustrating a more human brand: the history of Dropbox brand illustration
“For years before I joined the Dropbox illustration team, I assumed the Dropbox illustrators had it easy. [...] To a casual observer, it’s easy to take for granted the pioneering role Dropbox has played in brand illustration. But over the last ten years, there have been a handful of times when illustration as a Dropbox hallmark has been in jeopardy. It took nearly eight years of speaking up in meeting rooms and drafting late night email essays to fight for illustration's power.” (Michael Jeter, Dropbox)
If the Internet is addictive, why don’t we regulate it?
“When I go online, I feel like one of B F Skinner’s white Carneaux pigeons. Those pigeons spent the pivotal hours of their lives in boxes, obsessively pecking small pieces of Plexiglas. In doing so, they helped Skinner, a psychology researcher at Harvard, map certain behavioural principles that apply, with eerie precision, to the design of 21st‑century digital experiences.” (Michael Schulson, Aeon)
From the Designlab Community
Sara Vilas Santiago (Designlab in-house mentor): Learnings from the By Design Conference, 2017
Amy Isobel (UX Academy Graduate): How to be the Beyoncé of organisation, or: Ways you can hack the Bullet Journal to boost productivity and reach your goals
Emily Ho (UX Academy Graduate): Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this position?
In case you missed it
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