Reworking old designs & making effective new ones

Articles, ideas, and news about UX/UI design and related spaces.

Team Designlab
Team Designlab
Apr 26, 2024
Min Read

📰 3 Design Articles

A Design Challenge Revisited

  • UX/UI Designer Annie Worford reassesses a design challenge created nearly three years prior, working through a new version utilizing her since-improved UI skillset. Along the way, she provides insight into the improvements she chose, dissecting how to level up existing work.  
  • Changes range from concrete adjustments like color and text choice, to more subjective ones such as how to source design inspiration and suggestions for best design practices.
  • Worford offers one important snippet of advice above all: If there's only one thing readers take away from the article, it's to look at real-life, functioning examples of UX design to help hone your own skills.

AI as UX Integration Glue

  • Jakob Nielsen, one of the original trailblazers in UX, examines the history of digital integration across various interfaces and apps, looking at user experiences as early as the 1980s.
  • Nielsen argues that the success of integrated UX amongst apps and platforms has declined, and highlights how AI could potentially act as a unifying force across disparate applications, aiding in the seamless interaction and transfer of information between them.
  • “The current lack of integration and the potential for tighter integration create a gap wide enough that we need all hands on deck to bridge it. AI has strong potential for being an integrative force where agents span separate apps and data environments.”

How to Create a Great Hero Section

  • UX publication Muzli dives into tips and tricks for creating impactful hero sections for your site, sharing a list of 10 guidelines to make the most of this critical section of a site.
  • Keeping both the goal of the site and the goal of the user at the forefront of decisions is stressed as a key aspect of success, as well as making sure design choices are clean, to help guide users to the desired actions of the site.
  • "The Hero Image is the first thing people see when they open your page. It takes mere seconds for the user to process the first screen. It’s your unique chance to win them over — or lose them forever.”

💜 Portfolio Inspiration

Jordan Tempro, a UX Academy graduate, combines a background in customer success with a strong eye for visual design. Comprehensive research is paired with inviting UI choices in a responsive redesign for a doula site. An app for apartment hunters seeks to take the stress out of finding a new place to live through personalization and UX choices that create a sense of ease.

This is a GIF of a UX design portfolio.

Got a portfolio you love that you’d like to share with our audience? Email your suggestions to

💡 Interesting Stuff...

Work for money, design for love. — Issey Miyaki (Japanese fashion designer)

🧪 From the Lab

Advanced Course Info Sessions

AI for Visual Design

Webinar on May 1st, 12PM EST: Learn to leverage the power of AI to revolutionize your creative workflow and more precisely generate and refine the visual assets you want. Register for webinar.

Advanced Figma

Webinar on May 2nd, 12PM EST: Master the strategies and workflows used by the most experienced product designers, bringing your mastery of Figma to the next level. Register for webinar.

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Apr. 29: How to Use Gemini for UX Writing Tasks

May 2: Hack Days - How to Run a UX Ideation Workshop

Start Your UX Journey with UX Academy

Our May cohort of UX Academy Foundations launches in just over a week on Monday, May 6th. Most UX Academy students start out with this beginner-friendly online course, where they gain proficiency with Figma, progress skills through hands-on projects, work 1:1 with an experienced design mentor, and more.  

If you already have significant design experience, you can apply directly to UX Academy and jump right into our award-winning bootcamp to launch your UX career.

Launch a career in ux design with our top-rated program

Top Designers Use Data.

Gain confidence using product data to design better, justify design decisions, and win stakeholders. 6-week course for experienced UX designers.