Personalized UX & Portfolio Inspiration of the Week

Articles, ideas, and news about UX/UI design and related spaces.

Feb 16, 2024
Min Read

📰 3 Design Articles

Individualizing UX: Ever Narrowing User Targeting

  • UX pioneer and thought leader Jakob Nielsen takes a look at the history of user personas and individualizing consumer experience. He examines the concept of personalization starting in the 1950s, before the dawn of digital UX—and looks towards future innovations as new tech emerges.
  • Personalized experiences are nothing new: however, the ability to customize for users has the potential to go further as AI is introduced into the equation. As advancements continue, every experience could be made completely unique, tailored specifically to the individual user.
  • “Enter generative AI: with this technology, the computer can generate a completely new user interface for each user. It is no longer a matter of plugging in the user’s bank account. The entire screen will be designed on the spot, based on the user’s needs.”

5 Things to Know for a Smooth Design Hand-off

  • Handing work off can be challenging for even seasoned UX designers. In this article, Figma Designer Lauren Andres gives her top 5 tips for ensuring that your design work is truly dev-ready.
  • Concepts like adopting a shared language, which helps to ensure that communication is clear and everyone understands what is being referred to or discussed, can help avoid misunderstandings and keep things moving along smoothly.
  • “Many things have become second nature to us, and it’s easy to forget that’s not the case for everyone. I remember when I first introduced the developers I was working with to Figma years ago, I took a lot for granted… Figma is just one of the many tools that developers use, so it’s up to us to bring them along and empower them to work hand in hand with us.”

Lessons Learned Post-Burnout

  • UX Lead Jas Deogan reflects on the unexpected consequences of starting a new position after burning out at an old one. While it’s always exciting to land your new role, it’s also valid to experience difficulties as you adjust.
  • One impactful lesson is about the emotional cycle of change. As you find yourself in a novel environment, it’s actually quite normal to struggle. However, this can be easy to forget.
  • Deogan encourages readers to stay the course: “Starting anew after burnout has been an experience, a continuous journey of self-discovery, boundary-setting, and emotional navigation. It’s a path that, when walked with patience and mindfulness, promises professional success and personal fulfillment.”

💜 Portfolio Inspiration

Hannah Avila, a UX Academy graduate, showcases a passion for wellness with a spin towards family and child care. Her projects include “adding a caregiver” feature to your Apple Watch, as well a responsive design for an app to find new playgrounds. She prioritizes accessibility, bringing her prior experience in healthcare to her project work.

This is a GIF of a UX design portfolio

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Interesting Stuff...

“To create a memorable design you need to start with a thought that’s worth remembering” - Thomas Manss

🧪 From the Lab

Upcoming Community Events

Our slate of free community events continues with several exciting events upcoming:

You can find the full event calendar for future offerings on our registration page.

Launch your new career in 2024

The March cohort of UX Academy Foundations launches on March 4th, now with all-new AI content. Gain foundational design skills as you learn industry standard tools like Figma. You’ll also receive 1:1 mentorship and a $500 tuition credit towards our career-switching bootcamp, UX Academy.  

Reserve your seat now and only pay when the cohort launches.

Earn $ Telling People About Designlab

Know a friend or colleague who would benefit from Designlab’s courses and programs? Have a social media channel or blog related to design?

If you said ‘yes’ to either question, sharing Designlab with your network is now more rewarding than ever! Earn for each new student you send our way.

Launch a career in ux design with our top-rated program

Top Designers Use Data.

Gain confidence using product data to design better, justify design decisions, and win stakeholders. 6-week course for experienced UX designers.

Launch a career in ux design with our top-rated program

Top Designers Use Data.

Gain confidence using product data to design better, justify design decisions, and win stakeholders. 6-week course for experienced UX designers.