Scare a Designer in 3 Words

We asked—and you delivered! These phrases are enough to turn a designer pale with fear.

Team Designlab
Team Designlab
Oct 28, 2021
Min Read

We asked our community to "Scare a designer in 3 words"—and you delivered! These phrases are enough to turn a designer pale with fear. If words like "POP" and fonts like Comic Sans aren’t the stuff of nightmares, what is?!

  • "What's responsive design?" - Andrew Linaac
  • "No research needed" - Kenneth Hong
  • "It is approved" - Gwen Ng
  • "Illustrator quit unexpectedly" - Victoria Thomas
  • "Make it pop" - Wilmarie Huertas
  • "Must use Windows" - Ben Judy
  • "It is simple!" - Raphael Magnos
  • "You code, right?" - Michelle MacMillan
  • "Make it bigger" - Idowu John
  • "Here is logo.docx" - Dwitama Alfret Wuwung
  • "It's not working" - John Simon Medenilla
  • "I've got suggestions" - Katherine Joyce
  • "Throwing me off" - Alex Gilgenbach
  • "Submit completed portfolio" - Paige Craft
  • "One more edit" - Amanda Southworth
  • "Designed in PowerPoint" - Kristin Ellen Roy
  • "Your design process?" - Matt Bulbul
  • "Test it later!" - Komal Srivastava
  • "Comic Sans Font" - Tuan Diep
  • "Just use Photoshop" - Laura Szumylo
  • "Design for exposure" - Ashley C.
  • "We'll iterate later" - Zac Elleston
  • "One more thing" - Olamide Alowooja
  • "Looks great, but..." - Mellysa Verenna
  • "Deadline is URGENT" - ORlan Hunter
  • "End of day" - Mark Boroyan

To learn how to combat the scary realities of being a UX/UI designer—and to embrace the key aspects that make it a rewarding career—we encourage you to explore our UX Academy program.

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