Welcome to the first Designlab Digest! Once a month we'll post design highlights from around the web. This time, we've got Paul Klee's notebooks, debunked myths about millenials, advice on how to get the feedback you need, and a heap more great stuff from the Designlab community and blog.

3,900 Pages of Paul Klee’s Notebooks
The Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern has made thousands of pages of the Swiss-German artist’s notes available for free. These notebooks date from 1921-1931, when Klee taught at the Bauhaus School in Dessau. (For more background, check out this article over at Open Culture.)

The 14 Most Destructive Millennial Myths Debunked by Data
A timely article from Richie Norton: “2. Myth: Millennials are different from their parents and grandparents. Fact: Millennials are similar to their parents and grandparents when they were the same age, under new circumstances. ‘They want roughly the same things regardless of when they were born: to be given interesting work to do, to be rewarded on the basis of their contributions and to be given the chance to work hard and get ahead’ (The Economist).”

Design for the feedback you want
Designer Denise Spiessens writes, “A great design critique will leave you feeling motivated and focused. A less valuable one can leave you feeling frustrated and stuck. There could be many reasons why you aren’t finding your design critiques helpful. If you consistently find yourself in this scenario, maybe it’s time to rethink how you’re presenting your work.”

From the Designlab Community
Antonin Lapiche (studied UX Research & Strategy and Interaction Design): Case Study — Applying Design Thinking to Office Space Redesign
Sara Vilas Santiago (UX Academy Mentor): UX? UI? CX? HCD? — Whaaat!?
Halie Homan (UX Academy Graduate, Ive Cohort): 4 Ways to Stay Sane during the Interview Process after Designlab

In case you missed it
From the Designlab blog, here’s a selection of great articles related to this month’s Digest:
- Learning in the Bauhaus School: Lessons for Today’s Designers
- Where will UX Design be in 5 Years? 5 Predictions
- How To Give And Receive Design Critique Well
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