15 Quotes To Inspire UX Designers

We’ve put together 15 quotes from design greats like Dieter Rams, Jony Ive, and Massimo Vignelli to inspire you in your work.

Andrew Wilshere
Andrew Wilshere
May 17, 2017
Min Read

A person who never made a mistake never made anything. American saying

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There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!. Milton Glaser

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Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability: these should go hand in hand. Don Norman

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If you do it right, it will last forever. Massimo Vignelli

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The details are not the details. They make the design. Charles Eames

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People ignore design that ignores people. Frank Chimero

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Delay always breeds danger. To protract a great design is often to ruin it. Miguel de Cervantes

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There is no such thing as a boring project. Only boring executions. Irene Etzkorn

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Any product that needs a manual to work is broken. Elon Musk

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If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design. Ralf Speth

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Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. Steve Jobs

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You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people. Dieter Rams

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Good design is good business. Thomas J. Watson

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It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better. Jony Ive

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If you don’t love what you do, and do it with a passion, you probably won’t do it very well. Woody Pirtle

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