Using AI Tools to Artfully Upscale Images

Learn how to use AI tools to increase image resolution without creating pixelation. Friendly for beginner and experienced AI creators!

Team Designlab
Team Designlab
Feb 19, 2024
Min Read

In this introductory session with Designlab mentor Carolina de Bartolo, you'll learn how to use AI tools to increase image resolution without creating pixelation. Whether you're just getting your feet wet learning how to integrate AI into your design process or have been leveraging these tools for a while, you'll enjoy this session.

Want to learn more about using AI tools for visual design? Check out our AI design course for designers, marketers, and creatives or our articles on the best AI image generators and best AI logo creators.

View additional design talks and workshops on our Events page.

Hosted by: Carolina de Bartolo, Creative Director | AI Artist | Designlab Mentor | Author of the award-winning book, Explorations in Typography

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