AI Design: Data is King

Discover how designers can use data to ensure an AI is working successfully.

Team Designlab
Team Designlab
Apr 5, 2024
Min Read

In this talk, learn how about the success of AI is linked to data. Designers need to work together with Data Scientists to ensure the model will produce the intended experience, and that starts with data! The success of any AI is critically dependent on the new king - data, not content.

Want to learn more about using AI tools for visual design? Check out our AI design course for designers, marketers, and creatives or our articles on the best AI image generators and best AI logo creators.

View additional design talks and workshops on our Events page.

Hosted by: Stefanie Lauria, the Lead Designer and Strategist for AI on IBM Z.

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Launch a career in ux design with our top-rated program

Top Designers Use Data.

Gain confidence using product data to design better, justify design decisions, and win stakeholders. 6-week course for experienced UX designers.