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What students say

“Justin made this course 10 times more awesome than it is. His feedback was super helpful, but on the technical/visual details of the design, as well as the thought and work process in general. I was really looking forward to our calls and felt like I was learning a lot and getting so many good tips on design in general, as well as working in the field.”

- Lee , Design 101

“Justin was excellent to work with and gave me more confidence while still giving me great feedback and advice!”

- Meerah , Design 101

“Justin is a great mentor. I appreciate his feedback and we had very engaging mentor sessions.”

- Keisha C, UX Research & Strategy

“Over the short four weeks of Design 101 I learned the fundamentals of UX and UI Design thanks to my mentor's guidance. There's plenty more for me to learn, but Justin has helped me manage my time better, and apply what I learned in the course work to create applicable designs. I feel prepared to move on to UX Academy and do my best.”

- Rachael P, Design 101

“Super approachable and accommodating. Had a great time getting to know him a little bit and hearing his feedback!”

- Jordan S, UI Design

“Justin was great! I can tell he knows what he's talking about and is passionate about design and his mentorees!”

- Sarah K, Design 101

“Justin was very thorough in his feedback and critique of my designs in the nicest possible way! I loved his ideas and he was helpful in not only design ideas and feedback but the reasoning behind them.”

- Chrissy O, Design 101

“Justin is great! He gave me honest, constructive feedback on my designs and encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone to learn new tools that will improve my designs and impact my career down the road. In addition to that, he encouraged me to be clear about my design role and where I fit within my org so my team is has clarity on what I do as a designer. He was also very understanding when it came to my busy schedule, so which I really appreciated!”

- Jess G, Design 101

“It was great working with Justin throughout the course. He really pushed me in my designs and thought process to make sure I continued to improve my knowledge and my designs.”

- Josh B, UI Design

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